
I grew up under midwest skies in a large family deeply affected by the fallout of the nineteen sixties. I was six of eight in the pecking order getting lost in the shuffle.

Although a typical family of the time, there was an underlying undiagnosed trauma that permeated my caretakers that marked my formative years. At an early age while sitting under a warm starry sky feeling sad and alone I had a realization of the creation consciousness of the divine and it awakened in me a sense of connection and the realization that I wasn't alone in the universe.

At the age of eighteen a spirit guide came to me with a powerful message, which probably saved my life. I was living with a bunch of drug addicts in a roach infested apartment after my parents kicked me out of their house. The voice said, “If you don't get out of this situation you'll wake up dead.”

So the next week I hitchhiked out west and began my life in Colorado, truly starting on the spiritual path. My initial intention was to learn internal practices to understand, process and transform my own childhood trauma and realize the love I never knew.

I started studying martial arts and meditation and that discipline helped quell my addictive nature as I bopped from job to job and book to book reading late into the night everything I could get my hands on seeking truth, while working blue collar jobs by day.

I studied many different modalities of mind, body and spirit practice through a plethora of interesting teachers finding apprenticeship with the ones I resonated with the most.

This process eventually lead to developing my own integrative approach to holistic health care. My studies include internal martial arts, yoga, eastern medicine, macrobiotic cooking, vegetarian and five element cooking as well as different forms of energy work and meditation.

I attended massage school in 1995 and have carried a full time holistic health care practice for the last 29 years. I’ve integrated eastern and western modalities into my wellness massage therapy.

I also offer dietary recommendations, personal vegetarian cheffing and private Chi gong instruction for folks wanting to transform their health. During the last twelve years I’ve continued my training awakening to God consciousness through Vedic spiritual practice. I enjoy art, music, chanting, prayer, walking and service to the divine through my work.

– Jeffrey